Vernon, Dai (David Frederick Wingfield Verner). Oil painting of Dai Vernon, inscribed and signed to Larry Jennings. Los Angeles, P.C. D’Arpa [?], 1970. Modeled on a famous photograph of Vernon. 19 ¼ x 23 ½”. In a gilded frame. Fine condition. Inscribed and signed on the verso “To my very dear friend Larry Jennings for whose accomplishments in sleight of hand I hold the greatest admiration. Sincerely Dai Vernon Magic Castle Dec. 31st 1970.” This painting was commissioned by Jerry Jennings, wife of Larry Jennings. The picture on which it was based included a cigarette between Vernon’s lips. The cigarette was omitted from the painting by request of Mrs. Jennings, who opposed cigarette smoking vehemently.

Potter & Potter