Collection of approximately 140 elaborately illustrated magicians' letterheads. Characteristic of the period, these are generally very visually appealing. Some magicians represented include T. Nelson Downs (two different, multicolor), Alexander The Great, Ivy Jeane – Conjouress, The Great Becker and Co., New York Magical Co., The Mysterious Kellys (King and Queen of Handcuffs), Kalma, Mock Sad Alli & Co., Reid Miller, Arden The Magician, Hornmann Magician (three different), Christopher The Necromantic Entertainer (three different), L. Raymond Cox, Jack Gwynne, L.O. Gunn, Eddie Joseph, Sorcar, Horace Goldin, Gus Fowler, The Great Roland, Wallace Lee, Carl Rosine (Rosini) & Co., The Great Raymond Company, Fredrik The Great, Loring Campbell, Milbourne Christopher, Paul Fleming, Chris Charlton, Betty Jane Kolar, Rismor the Himilayan [sic] Yogi, John Platt, John Mulholland, Miller, Dornfield, Mahendra, Carl S. Lohrey, Durbin, Lightner The Wizard, David P. Abbott, Dell O'Dell, Mysterious Irving, Carter The Great, Hornmann Homar, Houdini Club of Wisconsin, Ernest Thorn, and many more. Many of the items at one time displayed in Ed Miller's Magic Museum. 1880s-1950s. Some show evidence of prior scrapbook mounting, many trimmed to the letterhead only, but condition generally very good. Should be seen.

Potter & Potter