[Correspondence] Important archive of correspondence from the files of Paul Fox. Primarily written in the 1930s and 40s, when Fox was a member of magic's "inner circle," and penned to him by many of the most famous magicians of the era, this archive includes missives that detail the working of and patter for various tricks, as well as gossip about magicians and their doings, as well as strictly informational details about various tricks sold by magic dealers. Among the writers are Faucett Ross, S. Leo Horowitz, Harlan Tarbell, Dr. Carroll Ritchey, Ralph Read, Russ Walsh, Adolph Boldt, Sam Margules, Gene Gordon, Bobo, Al Saal, Harry Cecil, Oscar S. Teale, Stewart Judah, and many others. Letters range in length from short notes to multiple pages. Included are several letters originally written to Faucett Ross, one by Eddie McGlaughlin. One of Ross's letters to Fox described in detail a presentation for the Malini Egg Bag, apparently learned from Charlie Miller, who learned it directly from Malini. Ross writes, in part, "Charles claims that most of Malini's stuff is comparatively bold, but this is covered by his wonderful misdirection." Generally good condition. Should be seen.

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