Goldin, Horace. Archive of Horace Goldin correspondence regarding Sawing a Woman in Half. Including two telegrams and 19 one- and multi-page TLSs, on Goldin’s 4to pictorial letterheads. Contents generally refer to Goldin’s attempt to protect his Sawing a Woman in Half illusion, which RJ Reynolds had exposed in advertisements for Camel Cigarettes, and which other magicians were, in Goldin’s estimation, stealing from him. Contents exceptionally detailed, including financial data, specifics of the working of the illusion, and catty banter about “that pirate” Blackstone (“there may be a chance for me having him up for slander”), Servais LeRoy, Thurston, and Carl Rosini, among other magicians. Neatly typed on 4to sheets; all addressed to Sam Margules, who served as Goldin’s representative in New York while the magician was on tour. Each letter signed “Horace” or “Horace Goldin” in pencil. Letters span 1932 – 34. Extremities of some sheets ragged, but overall good condition. An important and historic archive.

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