Cardini’s photographic scrapbook. An important and impressive collection of photographs, gathered together by Cardini and his wife, Swan and chronicling their storied career on the world’s stages as one of the most imitated and impressive vaudeville magic acts of the twentieth century. Folio-size ledger book includes over 150 black-and-white images of Cardini and Swan, many of which have never been published. Among the images are impressive publicity portraits, pictures of Cardini’s name on various theater marquees, live action images of the Cardini’s act on various vaudeville and theatrical stages, candid photographs in New York and abroad, including many with well-known magicians (among them Ade Duval, Hardeen, Fred Keating, Jack Gwynne, Al Baker, Downs, and Hymack), personal photographs of the Cardinis, a proof sheet from Vanity Fair of the famous Cardini portrait by Lusha Nelson with a TLS from an editor attached, and considerably more. Many pages carry notations in Swan or Cardini’s hand, some carry their pictorial rubber stamp on their versos. Book intact, but pages browned, severely chipped, torn, and exceptionally brittle; photographs generally in very good to fine condition. Perhaps the best and most personal visual chronicle of Cardini’s career before the footlights. Should be seen.

Potter & Potter