Hertz, Carl (Lieb Morgenstein). Scrapbook of Carl Hertz ephemera. Folio-size clothbound book filled with playbills, programs, broadsides, photographs (of Mrs. Hertz, one in boudoir card format, one in cabinet card, and another hand-colored), news clippings and assorted paper ephemera related to magician Carl Hertz and his wife. Included are handbills for "The World Famous American Illusionist Mrs. Carl Hertz," an annotated program for an appearance at the Coliseum, Glasgow (possibly annotated by Will Goldston), and a manuscript titled "Peeps into the Past – Carl Hertz" by J.B. Findlay. Many items discuss Hertz's most signature feat, The Vanishing Birdcage. Possibly compiled by Findlay, who mentions one item in the scrapbook in his essay on Hertz. Contents dated 1884 – 1935. Condition of contents varies from poor to very good. Should be seen.

Potter & Potter