[Correspondence] Archive of correspondence from the collection of Herb Zarrow. Including letters from some of the best-informed sleight-of-hand magicians of the 20th century. Among the authors of these letters, many of which are multiple pages in length, are Ali Bongo, a cache of correspondence written to Bill Gusias by New Jersey magician Tommy Burke, Bruce Cervon, Cy Endfield, Steve Freeman, Steve Forte, Karl Fulves (a quantity, some signed), P. Howard Lyons, Joseph Sinatra (Artanis), Michael Skinner, Bob Stencel (five pages, describing the mechanics of various tricks), Bob White, and Scotty York. Drafts of letters handwritten by Zarrow are among the letters, as are a quantity of reproduction pages, among them letters written to Dai Vernon by Alex Elmsley, and others. Some early correspondence on elaborate letterheads written to Conrad "Connie" Bush. 1920s – 2000s. Condition varies, but generally good. Should be seen.

Potter & Potter