Vernon, Dai. Negative Stripper Deck handmade by Dai Vernon. Specially prepared by Vernon and sent to Herb Zarrow as a gift, the four aces can be "stripped" (pulled) out of this red Hoyle shellback deck after an honest shuffle — but only by someone who has developed the required "knack." Accompanying the deck is a detailed ALS from Vernon to Herb Zarrow on Academy of Magical Arts notepaper describing not only the subtle working of the deck ("At the first few trials you'll probably have no success whatsoever but with patience and different pressures you'll suddenly succeed."), but how badly it fooled fellow magicians at the Magic Castle. Vernon writes that Joe Berg, the noted magic dealer, "…made me wash my hands the last time. He thinks there is some chemical on the edges of the aces that clings to something put on the fingers." Vernon also writes and an "Italian fellow" used "work" of this nature to win some $70,000 in Las Vegas, and that this same gambler is "…one of the best bottom dealers I've ever seen." Letter folded to fit the card box; deck in very good condition. Unique.....................Also known as "Bathroom Strippers," as the "work" in these cards was traditionally put in by gamblers using broken shards of glass in a bathroom.

Potter & Potter