McGuire, Eddie. Archive of 36 letters from Eddie McGuire to Cardini. Important archive of correspondence that reveals not only the inner-workings of many of the methods of Walter Scott, known as “The Phantom of the Card Table,” but the interests of and inside information about magic’s revered “inner circle” based in New York in the 1930s. This group, which McGuire so desperately wanted to be a part of, included Cardini, Dai Vernon, Al Baker, S. Leo Horowitz, T. Nelson Downs, Faucett Ross, Arthur Finley and Charlie Miller. McGuire used his friendship with Scott as an entre into the circle. He then developed his friendship with Cardini through this correspondence, trading gossip and secrets with him. This correspondence was the basis of the 2003 book, Phantoms of the Card Table by David Britland and Gazzo Macee. Most being TLSs on unlined 4to sheets, the minority being ALSs on 8vo hotel stationery or McGuire’s own letterhead. Condition varies, but generally very good. Should be seen.

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