16mm film of Cardini on NBC’s Festival of Magic. Single reel of film containing the performance of Cardini – his only known American television appearance – on NBC’s Festival of Magic in 1957. Owned by Cardini. Very good condition. Late in his life, Cardini made two television appearances - one for Granada TV, the other in America. With those two appearances, his act was seen by millions of viewers - more people than had watched him perform in the previous thirty years, combined. In the process, Cardini inspired and influenced an entirely new generation of magicians. Of the two television programs he appeared on, only footage from the 1957 NBC Producer’s Showcase special, the Festival of Magic, has survived. The program was hosted by Ernie Kovacs, and Cardini appeared on it – with a truncated version of his act - in conjunction with P.C. Sorcar, Robert Harbin, June Merlin, and other performers. The lots that follow are relics from that performance, one that today still serves as inspiration to new generations of magicians.

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