The Sphinx. William Hilliar, et al. V1 N1 (Mar. 1902) – V52 N1 (Mar., 1953). Complete file, bound in 41 volumes, 38 of them in green buckram stamped in gold, spines indicating volume numbers, front boards stating, “Sphinx Publishing Corporation.” Final four volumes in three black spring form binders. Condition of issues varies, as generally encountered; several bindings loose or defective, but contents generally sound, though many issues, especially those issued in the 1920s show chipping and wear. Earliest volumes particularly clean and tight. Alfredson/Daily 6420. These volumes were kept in and used at the Sphinx Publishing Corporation Office in New York’s Times Square at 130 West 42nd Street, New York, New York. For over 20 years that office was staffed by two individuals: John Mulholland and Dorothy Wolf, his secretary. This, then, is Mulholland’s personal file of the journal he edited and which has since become known as the finest and perhaps most significant English journal on the art of magic published in the 20th century.

Potter & Potter