Harbin, Robert (Ned Williams). Robert Harbin’s Jumbo Martin Rising Cards. London: John Martin, ca. 1950. Finely made mechanical faux pack of jumbo cards. Cards selected by the audience rise from the pack. Includes card rising device finely crafted from Dural aluminum by Martin, replacement winding key, matching pack of jumbo cards, tension plate, a tray for switching decks, and a glass houlette with attached ribbons. Hallmarked. Good working condition, with rubber wheels in need of revitalization. Owned and used by Robert Harbin. One of many props acquired by Alan Shaxon from Harbin upon the latter’s death. The two magicians were close friends, and Shaxon stepped in to fill Harbin’s final engagement when Harbin’s health failed him. Accompanied by a letter of provenance.

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