[Lecture Notes] Collection of over 120 magicians' lecture notes. Including many privately circulated or from limited publications. Many signed and inscribed. Titles include Coin Magic and the Art of Sleeving by J.B. Bobo (1952), Eric Decamps Compositions of Conjuring (2001), Darwin's Confidential Lecture Notes (n.d.), F.F.F.F. 2000 Lecture Notes by Jorg Alexander (2000), Milton Kort Lecture Notes edited by Ron Bauer (n.d.), Laid Back Lecture by Chris Power (1996), Geoffrey Latta on Cards and Coins (1981), The Lecture Book by David Regal (n.d.), Gene Maze Unpublished (1997), More Additional Deceptions by Derek Dingle (n.d., signed and inscribed), Tale Twisters by Roy Walton (n.d.), The Three Faces of Steve by Stephen Minch (1987, signed and inscribed), and many others. Bindings and sizes vary, but most 4to. High original cost. Good condition

Potter & Potter