[Magic Books] Group of 26 hardbound small-format magic books. Including …And A Pack of Cards by Jack Merlin (1940, revised edition in blue pictorial cloth), But Not to Play by Wilfrid Jonson (1946), Keith Clark's Nite Club Act (1944), Club Magic by Bert Douglas (1930), For Magicians Only by Charles Waller (1923), Herrmann's Book of Magic (1903), The Magic Art by Donald Holmes (1920), Paul Rosini's Magical Gems by Robert Parrish (1950, from the limited deluxe clothbound edition), Secrets by U.F. Grant (n.d.), Mr. Smith's Guide to Sleight of Hand by Wilfrid Jonson (1945), Ten Secrets of Modern Magic by Charles Stringer (1927), Waller's Wonders by Charles Waller (1927), and others. Bindings vary, but most in cloth; all small 8vo. Good condition.

Potter & Potter