[Magic Books] Group of 31 British books about magic tricks. Including Pearson "Yellow Perils," Will Golston publications, and other pre-1950 titles. Among the titles are Card Tricks Without Skill (1946), The Conjurer's Vade Meccum (n.d.), The Drawing Room Entertainer (1922), Harry Leat publications (a complete set of eight volumes bound in one), Magical Suggestions (1921), More Conjuring (1912), My Mysteries (1924), Original Mysteries for Magicians (n.d.), Paper Magic (1923), Ring Up the Curtain (1930), Secrets of Modern Conjuring (ca. 1920), Something New In Magic (1929; Robert Harbin's first book), Westminster Wizardry (ca. 1924), Whirlwind of Wizardry (1919), and others. Many in cloth or pictorial boards, but bindings vary; all small 8vo. Condition varies, but generally good.

Potter & Potter