Henning, Doug. Archive of Doug Henning/Dai Vernon ephemera. Including an important and early TLS from Henning to Vernon, dated May 11, 1971. The then-unknown Doug Henning writes to Vernon at the Magic Castle. The letter states, in part, "Last month I received the good news that I…have been awarded a grant for one year to study the art of magic. …I am making a trip to the Magic Castle for the month of November…. During my stay in Los Angeles I was wondering if I could take some lessons from you. It would be a great honour to study under you. I am a very conscientious student and would work very hard at what you teach me." Signed, "Sincerely, Doug Henning." A short postcard in Henning's hand, also written to Vernon, shows how much the relationship between the two had changed. Dated April, 1981, the postcard begins with: "Hi Dai" and touches on Henning's casino shows, a potential movie, and his Broadway show, Merlin. Also included are a telegram to Vernon asking him to appear with Henning on the Dick Cavett show, a clipping regarding Henning's production, The Magic Show, a candid color photo of Vernon and Henning at Henning's wedding (signed and inscribed by Henning to Vernon on the verso, but considerably faded), and a candid color photo of Vernon, Henning, and two unknown persons, ca. 1983. All items in good condition. Henning not only studied with Vernon at the Magic Castle, their relationship was well documented in the press and developed into a lasting friendship.

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