[Escorial] Group of 20 Jornadas Cartomagicas De El Escorial. These treatises, by Roberto Giobbi, Javier Benitez, Reinhard Mueller, and others, were issued to coincide with the annual conferences staged in Escorial, Spain by Juan Tamariz. Titles include Vernon's lectures in Germany, Dai Vernon's "More Inner Secrets of Card Magic", Dai Vernon's Further Inner Secrets, Cards up the Sleeve, Hofzinser y la Magia del Siglo XIX, Marlo on Faked Decks, Los Clasificadores Card Indexes, Ace Assembly, Cartas Gigantas, Gibreath's Principles, and others. All bound in wraps, 4to and in very good condition. ..............The El Escorial conferences are invitation-only events; these notes are not made available for sale publicly, and have never before been offered at auction.

Potter & Potter