[Houdini] Group of 36 books about or by Houdini. Including The Houdini Code Mystery by William Rauscher (2000), Houdini’s Big Little Book of Magic (1927; Cocomalt advertisement on rear board), Houdini’s Fabulous Magic by Walter B. Gibson (1961), Houdin’s “Unmasking” Fact Vs. Fiction by Jean Hugard (1989), Elliott’s Last Legacy edited by Houdini (1923), A Magician Among the Spirits by Houdini (1972), Notes to Houdini!!! by Kenneth Silverman (1996), Houdini the Untold Story by Milbourne Christopher (1969), Houdini His Life Story by Harold Kellock (1928), and many more. Sizes and bindings vary; most volumes illustrated and in good condition.

Potter & Potter