Francois Louis Lanfant deMetz (French, 1814-1892), pair of framed and glazed watercolor and graphite on paper, signed lower right "Lanfant. "; the first depicting two children embracing in the foreground with bottles strewn about, in the left midground a second pair of children embrace and in the background a group of children stand in a semi-circle and gesture to one another; the second depicting three central, apparently inebriated children, the figure on the left extends both arms above his head with a half-empty bottle in his right hand and a glass in his left, his expression is jubilant, the middle figure hunches forward clutching his glass in his right hand at his chest , his left arm extends behind him grasping a nearly empty bottle, his eyes are closed, the third figure on the right supports the weight of the central figure with his right arm and holds a glass at face height in his left, in the background a pair of figures sit drinking at an obscured table. In both works the watercolor pigment is more heavily applied to the central characters in the foreground, and more lightly applied to the figures in the background. Sight dimensions for both 7.25" x 6", framed dimensions for both 10.95" x 9.35".

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery