English, 16th century. Rare and ornate finely hand embroidered opus anglicanum ecclesiastic vestment in the form of a cope (cape) with silk and metal (gold and silver) thread work on linen including couching and stumpwork, throughout traditional semi-circular form with orphrey band at top depicting six Gothic arched niches with apostle saints with attributes including St. Peter and others, flanking fringed center section portraying the Holy Trinity with seated God the Father holding orb symbolizing the world opposite Jesus Christ holding staff, flying bird or dove above symbolizing the Holy Spirit, above textile with ornate brocade embroidery in gold and silver on linen with central ornament depicting mandorla with Christ in Majesty with appliqued embroidered figures in three concentric rows on field (typical of ornate copes) portraying archangels amid clouds with feathered heavenly bodies and saints and apostles (some with identifying attributes or names at bottom within ribbon) including St. Bartholomew, St. Jacobus the Minor, St. Martin, St. James, St. Simon and others, fringed metallic thread ends. Unmarked. Overall approximately 57.25" x 106". Provenance: From the Estate of Dr. Woody Cobbs and Mrs. Honor Cobbs, Atlanta, Georgia.

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery