Pair of Columnar Creamware Candlesticks, Staffordshire, England, late 18th century, Corinthian capitols on fluted columns and square bases with molded swags and detachable bobeches, ht. 10 1/4 in. Provenance: Earle D. Vandekar of Knightsbridge. Literature: This lot, and others from the same collection, are illustrated and contextualized in Imagining Ichabod: My Journey Into 18th-Century America Through History, Food, and a Georgian House, by Paula Bennett (Bauer and Dean: New York, 2016). Imagining Ichabod is described as a "warm, personal account of life in an eighteenth-century house and the search for its first inhabitants... [which offers] a fascinating glimpse into [the United States'] colonial period and its years as a fledgling republic." Estimate $300-500 Both candlesticks have scattered tiny nicks to high spots, one bobeche appears to have restoration. Items may have wear and tear, imperfections, or the effects of aging. Any condition statement given, as a courtesy to a client, is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact. Skinner shall have no responsibility for any error or omission.
