Von Schierholz (Germany, founded c. 1817). A very fine likely 19th century Dresden porcelain hand painted footed plateau or vanity tray with reticulated wall to exterior rim decorated to interior with floral band above row of pierced arch windows, on top with applied bow forms on either long side flanked by flower filled urns, and to exterior with gilt foliate patterning and garlands across the perforations. The basin of plateau decorated with two large colorful birds within a landscape setting, a large multi-flowered stem rising to the right of birds. Blue maker's mark to underside above inscribed "Germany", inscribed by previous owner "To Eva 1919. From the home of = Uncle John + Aunt Mary (Grier) KC, MO.", and with applied fabric tape "Eva - from = Uncle John 1919, Keep in Grier Family-". Approximately 3 3/8" tall x 12 7/8" wide x 7 5/8" deep.

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery