Sir John Hoppner (British, 1758-1810) Portrait of John, Earl of Chatham, in Naval Uniform and Wearing the Order of the Garter Unsigned, attributed on labels on the reverse and on the back of the frame. Oil on canvas, 30 x 25 in. (76.2 x 63.5 cm), framed. Condition: Lined, retouch. Provenance: Given by Lord Chatham to Sir William Bellingham; through to James A. Williams; Sotheby's New York, Friday, October 20, 2000, Mercer House, Savannah: The Collection of The Late James A. Williams, Sale 7527, Lot 187; to a private Rhode Island collection. Literature: William McKay and W. Roberts, John Hoppner (London: P. & D. Colnaghi & Co., 1909), pp. 48-49. Exhibitions: Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin, Ireland, Winter Exhibition of Old Masters, 1902-03.
