Photograph Album, 1870s: Soldiers and Civilians, with a Texas Connection. Defunct album containing twenty-four images, including: twelve tintypes of men and women; seven carte-de-visites (some signed, one of a beautiful woman with an elaborate dress and flowers on her head, dated Las Vegas, November 1, 1878 on the verso); four photos of soldiers including a tintype of six men in uniform with a dog, a portrait of a young man from a Brownsville, Texas studio, a tintype of a man in uniform with this message scratched onto the back, "March 4th, '75, the Pork Pie Avenger, Navahoe Sam, Put this in the fire, Yours Truly, Apache Bill," and a whimsical photograph of Jake Engler and Otto Miller taken at Fort Ringgold, Texas on October 9, 1879; and three others.
