Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor (1578-1637) Romischer Kayserlicher Mayestatt &c. Landtgerichts Ordnung deß Ertzhertzogthumbs Oesterreich deß Landts ob der Ennß , Signed by Ferdinand II. Vienna: Gelbhaar, [1627]. [bound with] Romischer Kayserlicher Mayestatt &c. Landtrects Ordung deß Ertzhertzogthumbs Oesterreich deß Landts ob der Ennß ; [and] Romischer Kayserlicher Mayestatt &c. Reissgeiandts Ordnung deß Ertzhertzogthumbs Oesterreich ob der Ennß , Vienna; Gelbhaar, [1627]; three small folio titles bound together, the final leaves of the first two titles with an imperial seal, Ferdinand II's signature, and the signatures of two other state ministers, with contemporary annotations, in a contemporary dated heraldic binding, full parchment over boards, dated 1628, tooled in silver leaf, with a coat of arms on the front board bearing the initials ASAG, ties lost, generally very good, 11 x 7 1/2 in.
