The Rules of the Water-Side: or the General Practice of the Customs. London: For A. Bell and J. Baker, 1714. First edition, octavo, not in ESTC, which lists only a 1715 edition, A-E8, F4; 88 pages, contemporary full sheep, both boards detached, contemporary bookplate of Claudius Girard Guide of Cornwall pasted inside the front board, 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. This work describes itself as, "a collection of the most proper and useful examples practised in customs, alphabetically digested into a very concise and easy method, necessary for the use of custom house officers, husbands of ships, merchants, merchants apprentices, or such who design to qualify themselves in that kind." It lists goods that were traded worldwide in the period, in what quantities they are measured, and their associated customs tariffs.
