Collection of Sermons, England, 1641-1662. Quarto, including the following twelve London imprints, mostly sermons delivered before Parliament: Marshall's Meroz Cursed , 1641; Reformation Sure and Steadfast , 1641; Burroughs's Sions Joy , 1641; Hooker's The Danger of Desertion , 1641; Whittaker's Christ, the Settlement of Unsettled Times , 1642; Ash's The Best Refuge for the Most Oprressed , 1642; Love's The Watchmans Watchword , 1642; Caryl's The Works of Ephesus , 1642; Jenkins's The Burning Yet Un-consumed Bush , 1662; Baylie's Satan the Leader in Chief to All Who Resist , 1643; Arrowsmith's Englands Eben-ezer or Stone of Help , 1645; and White's The Troubles of Jerusalems Restauration , 1646; all bound together in full blue modern morocco, 7 x 5 1/4 in.