Morris, Robert (1734-1806) Signed Stock Certificate, 28 November 1794. Philadelphia: Zachariah Poulson, Junior, [n.d., circa 1794.] Folio laid paper bifolium printed by letterpress and fulfilled by hand. Certifying that John Nicholson Esquire of Philadelphia (1757-1800) (financier, land speculator, and Comptroller General of Pennsylvania from 1782 to 1794 and manager of the Asylum Company) is entitled to one share of the Asylum Company equivalent of two hundred acres of land, signed by Robert Morris as President of the Company, and James Duncan, secretary. The document in two pieces, separated along the horizontal fold, toned, chipped, and delicate, 16 x 10 in. The Asylum Company was set up to facilitate French asylum seekers to this country on 25 April 1794. Several of its principals were Catholic, and the goal of patriating French Catholics was a goal of the enterprise. Nicholson eventually became president. Robert Morris, financier responsible for much funding of the war effort during the revolution, also signed the Declaration of Independence.
