Pickering, Timothy (1745-1829) Autograph Letter Signed, Washington, D. C., 16 January 1806. Large quarto wove bifolium inscribed over two pages. To Judge March, likely on the north shore of Massachusetts, regarding the organization of spectators in the courts in France, and mentioning the business of Congress. Old folds, some math equations on the outer blank verso, good, 9 1/2 x 7 1/2 in. In 1806 Pickering was serving in Washington as the Senator from Massachusetts. In this letter he expresses frustration about President Thomas Jefferson. "Congress have yet done nothing, tho' we are now in the 7th week of the session! The President's message, in which many thought they saw a spirit like that of foretimes, appeared to me, from the beginning, pregnant with an abortion. The Mountain in labour will scarcely produce a mouse. The only measure of any consequence yet agitated, will terminate in further National Degradation. I cannot at present be more explicit."
