Bernstein, Leonard, et al. A group of 25 items of composers, including Leonard Bernstein, S.P., Leonard Bernstein photo by Emmerich Gara, John Williams, S.P., S.E., Sigmund Speith, T.L.S., August 11, 1960, to Miss Hevar, George M. Cohan, A.N.S., Jan. 14, 1931, with a black and white photograph, Ben Bernie, A.N.S., Ralph Blane, clipped signature, Elmer, Bernstein, clipped signature, Dave Frishberg, Signed "Jazz Calendar," July 1996, Walter Gross, inscription, Joe Howard, Inscription, 1942, Carrie Jacobs-Bond, T.L.S., April 27, 1942. To Mr. Upton, Carrie Jacobs-Bond, Signed photo, 1929, JONES?. Nick Kenny, MARKS, Vic Mizzy, Russ Morgan, ANS, to Jimmy, Walter O’Keefe, Edward Pola, George Tibbles, Sam Rolfe, ANS, Norman Gimbel, signed note, Frederic Arnold Kummer, TLS, August 27, 1943, Don George (TLS, one page, June 8, 1943).

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