Collection of Lantern Slides from Houdini’s Spiritualism Lecture. New York: Standard Slide Corp., 1920s. Twenty-eight slides total, comprising 21 (of 50) slides from the original lecture series, and seven related slides (inclusive of one duplicate) added by a second contemporary source, possibly Frederick Eugene Powell or Oscar Teale. Original paper-covered boxes, two lacking tops. Old sequencing labels affixed at edges of slides, matching the ordering of Houdini’s handwritten key sheet (Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Lot 7426). 3 3/8 x 4”. Hairline or stress cracks to three slides, one just slightly affecting projected area. Slides from the original series comprising (sequencing numbers in brackets): Margaret Fox Kane [6]; Davenport Bros. [9]; Davenport Bros. and William Fay [10]; Davenport Bros. and Rev. Ferguson [11]; Cabinet of Davenports with Rev. Nichol and Fay [12]; John Henry Anderson [13]; Houdini and William Fay [14]; William H.H. Davenport’s Grave [15]; D.D. Home [18]; Houdini and Sir Dunkin [22]; Houdini and Harry Kellar [25]; Concealed man in Chiffonnier [27]; Lady Medium Switching Slates [28]; Kellar Trap Method [29]; Materialized Hand [37]; Chairs and Table [32]; Girl blowing current of air [39]; Houdini and Arthur Conan Doyle [40]; Houdini and Will Goldston [46]; Houdini and Conan Doyle [48]; Houdini and Theodore Roosevelt [50]. The seven additional slides comprising: C. Alice & Leaping Fairy; The House at Hydesville [plus duplicate]; Marg

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