Mitchell, Margaret. Typed Letter Signed. January 5, 1932. Five pages, with corrections made in pencil. Last page includes a penciled handwritten paragraph and signed as "Peggy." To her mother-in-law, "Mother Marsh," typed four years before the success of her first novel, Gone With the Wind. In the midst of the Great Depression, Mitchell discusses it effects on her family and local community: "…Heaven alone knows when we’ll do more travelling. John is away a lot but never out of the state. We’ll have to wait till that mythical ‘corner’ is turned and salaries rise again before we go on our travels." Her flamboyant colorful writing style is evident: "Flue has a treacherous way of making you feel fine as long as you lie still and weak as a rag after you get up…" and "Your Christmas box arrived amid shouts of applause and, to date the contents have been sacred." Slight stain to one page, otherwise fine. Pages 7 x 10 1/2".

Potter & Potter