Goldin, Horace (Hyman Elias Goldstein). Scathing TLS from Horace Goldin to John A. Petrie. Dated May 11, 1928, Goldin writes during a tour in Ireland, regarding a trick rifle Petrie has promised to manufacture for him but has not delivered after repeated requests from Goldin. Goldin writes, in part, “I am prepared to give you an opportunity and take it like a man, provided I am guilty. I would suggest for you to wear an iron glove. Due to the fact that I am answering all my correspondence and doing so naturally in a sitting position that part of my anatomy you wish to spank has become rather hardened. Wait till I get my eyes on you…here is what I would like to do to you, a punishment you justly deserve for messing me about so long. You shall be locked in a room… In the room I would have two of the prettiest women [that] could be procured, a blonde and a brunette. They both would enter the room and undress perfectly nude, displaying their perfect charms and other things you could imagine, but you shall be fastened by chains and locks to a special iron barrier that I could erect in the room with an iron gate in front and would also reach from floor to ceiling… That torment I would give you for a month, 4 hours a day, on Sunday 6 hours, a wonderful cure to resist temptation. At the expiration of the month the women are to depart to their native lands, never to see you again. That of course is if you are still in your youthful ambition, unless you have been participating in the m

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