Goldin, Horace (Hyman Elias Goldstein). Original Watercolor Artwork for Goldin’s “Living Miracle” Illusion (Sawing in Half). Circa 1932. Handsome and vibrant original artwork depicting a whirling buzz saw blade descending toward a comely lady on a table, while a Bedouin-like character stands over her, one hand extended overhead. Unsigned. 12 x 8 ¾”. Edge chips, closed tears, old folds. Goldin played an important role in the development of the famous Sawing illusion, and eventually developed his Living Miracle, now commonly known as the Buzz Saw illusion. Eschewing the bulky boxes favored by Thurston and Dante, Goldin cut to the chase – literally – by laying his assistant on a table and sawing directly through her with a giant whirling blade using no covering at all. Somehow, she survived the ordeal unharmed, night after night.

Potter & Potter