Goldston, Will. A Scrapbook of Letters to and from Goldston between Magicians and Magic Dealers, Plus Related Ephemera. England, 1900s—30s. Including 41 disbound folio scrapbook pages containing letters to Goldston from Hamley’s Magical Saloons, Brunel White, H.J. Paget, Percy Pellew, Ellis Stanyon, W.D. Leroy, Burling Hull, Charles Hagen, Harry Leat, H.C. Seager, Guy Bert, and others, regarding business transactions, some containing agreements for works intended to be published by Goldston; and a loose file of ephemera, including a 1913 booklet, “List of Saloon Passengers/ R.M.S. Campania” in which Goldston is listed, plus two other pieces related to the ship, a magic booklet from Goldston’s library with a tipped-in letter to Henry Clapham, and miscellaneous fliers, prospectuses, advertisements, clippings, and letterhead of Goldston’s. Should be seen.

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