[Greeting Cards] Large Collection of Postcards and Greetings from Magicians and Friends to F. E. Powell or Dr. Grossman. American, bulk 1930s—60s. Approximately 75 pieces, from magicians including Dai Vernon (signed), Okito, Max Holden, Paul Fox, (Mr. and Mrs.) Eugene Laurant, Hardeen, the Bernard Ernsts, (Mr. and Mrs.) Floyd Thayer, Joseph Kolar (signed), (Mr. and Mrs.) John Mulholland (2), Frank Ducrot (signed), Bess Houdini (signed “Beatrice and Family”), Lester Grimes, Al Munroe, Clinton Burgess, Al Baker, H.R. Evans, Carl Lohrey (signed), John S. Van Gilder, (Mr. and Mrs.) Charles Nagles, (Mr. and Mrs.) Jas. Wobensmith, John McKinven, DeVega, (Mr. and Mrs.) Milbourne Christopher, (Mr. and Mrs.) Paul Fleming, the Dunningers, Sid Lorraine, Tom Palmer, the Flossos, and others. Condition very good overall.

Potter & Potter