Benedict, T. C. Hugall (English, 1873—1955). Important File of Conjuring Notebooks. London, 1890s—1950s. An insightful and important lifetime archive of neatly written and thoughtfully composed writings on conjuring by Benedict (a/k/a “The Thanet Wizard”) concerning his own effects and those of his contemporaries. Twenty-two volumes, 8vo or smaller, comprising: twelve volumes from a series kept throughout Benedict’s life, entitled “Magic in the Past”, N1 (1887—91) and proceeding continuously to N13 (1936—45) [lacking N3]; three volumes of Benedict’s notes on various forms of conjuring (n.d., ca. 1910s—50s), accompanied by a few sketches and clippings; and five engagement books documenting his own performance schedule and program elements (1910s—30s). The most important and innovative magicians of the nineteenth and early twentieth century are represented in Benedict’s notebooks, including Charles Bertram, Charles Morritt, David Devant, Buatier De Kolta, Hercat, Paul Valadon, Karl Germaine, Imro Fox, Nate Leipzig, Louis Nicola, Horace Goldin, Chris Charlton, and others, several appearing in multiple notebooks, and in addition to numerous lesser-known magicians. The middle span of notebooks mark the appearance of Chung Ling Soo, Stanley Collins, Cecil Lyle, Carl Hertz, and The Great Raymond, and the later notebooks, covering longer time-spans, include Max Malini, among dozens others. The remainder of the file consists of Benedict’s engagement books and records of his own ideas.

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