Manner of David Cox the Elder (British, 1783-1859). "Leaving Town", oil on wood board, apparently unsigned. 19th century landscape painting with figures depicting a solo female traveler in red cloak walking toward the viewer at center along a wide and rutted dirt path having just passed a father and child in view further down the path as they approach a town or village in background set beneath tall green trees, the scene with a green hillside at left with several cows grazing and low foothills to background beneath clouded blue skies. Paper label to verso of board "Roberson and Miller, Manufacturers of Water and Oil Colours, Materials for Drawing, Painting, 51 Long Acre, London", the business on record as existing from 1820-1939. Framed approximately 12.625" x 16.375". Unframed approximately 8" x 11.875".

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery