Sioux Winter Count Painted on Muslin, c. 1870s, an early copy of a Winter Count by Bo-i-de (the Flame or the Blaze) a Dakota Sioux living eighteen miles south of Fort Sully, Dakota Territory, the Count covers the years 1786-87 through 1876-77, an interpretation of the pictographs can be found in the fourth annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1882-83, this particular Winter Count may have been obtained from Lieutenant H.T. Reed, who was stationed at Fort Sully in 1876, Reed was assisting Garrick Mallery in located and interpreting Winter Counts, Mallery's studies were published in the fourth annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1882-83, 43 x 31 1/2 in. Provenance: Collected by Captain Henry Martyn Lazelle and descended in the family. Lazelle was stationed at Fort Sully from June 1875 to fall of 1878, a history of Lazelle's military career will be included with the lot. Ex Richard Pohrt, Jr. collection.
