Republic-47D Thunderbolt U-control Model Airplane by Ernest Berke, constructed 1956-65, Elmont, Long Island, 1/12th scale model powered by a single cylinder Hassad . 720 displacement "glow" engine with a 1.042 stroke, and .9375 bore, two-bladed 12-in. dia. and 6-in. pitch propeller, the landing gear, cockpit lights, flaps, landing lights, horizontal and vertical stabilizers, engine throttle, etc., all functioning both from the cockpit and from the modified Roberts U-control handle, the power for these functions is provided via a 12 volt motorcycle battery fitted to a custom designed belt to be worn by the operator, the plane weighs approximately 7 1/2 pounds, the hand-colored, designed, and typed bound technical manual along with many original black-and-white photographs of the construction and details of the plane, air shows, and Academy of Aeronautics meeting flyers designed by Mr. Berke accompany the lot, wingspan 43 in. Note: Ernest Berke was born in New York City in 1921, to first-generation Russian and Romanian parents. At an early age, his artistic talents were recognized and enthusiastically supported by his parents. This support as it turns out, wasn't misguided, as Ernest went on to become the youngest chief fashion artists Sears Roebuck had ever had, and subsequently went on to his life's passion as a noted artist, sculptor, historian, author, and teacher. The groundwork for his vision, and finally his construction of the P-47 Thunderbolt model was cultivated Read more…
