Twenty-one Books on Japanese Decorative Arts, Arts, Tetsubin: Japanese Waterkettle ; Earle, Flower Bronzes of Japan ; Impey, Dragon King of the Sea ; Heckmann, Tsuba ; Davies, Masterpieces of Meiji Metalwork ; Coben, Japanese Cloisonne ; Irvine, Japanese Cloisonne ; Koizumi, Traditional Japanese Furniture and Traditional Japanese Chests ; Heineken, Traditional Japanese Cabinetry: Tansu ; Kagedo Japanese Art, Shadowed Reflections, Japanese Views ; Rivera, Suiseki ; Oster, Bamboo Baskets ; Moes, Mingei: Japanese Folk Art ; Levy, Kanban ; Orientations Gallery, Fukusa ; Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Carved Paper: Art of the Japanese Stencil ; Kennedy, Japanese Costume ; Joly, Japanese Art and Handicraft ; Iwamiya (photographer), Katachi, Japanese Pattern and Design ; and History of the Japanese Empire to the 1939-1945 War , Japanese edition.
