Thirteen Continental Personal and Smoking Accessories, 19th and early 20th century, three boxes: one rectangular, ebonized and inlaid, lg. 2 1/2, one carved rectangular form with armorial on lid, lg. 3 1/4, and one oval, with cartouche on lid featuring a female portrait bust, lg. 4 1/8; three seals, including one with enamel female portrait with monogram, ht. 2 3/8; a turned wand with urn body and domed foot, ht. 3 7/8; a carved frog surmounting a tree stump, inscribed "FREMIET" on round base, ht. 5 1/2; a perfume with hinged lid, modeled as a talon gripping an orb, lg. 2 3/4; three lighters: one inlaid and with a clock, inscribed "SWITZERLAND/DUNHILL/3430," ht. 2 1/8, one shagreen with monogram, ht. 1 3/4, and one polychrome enamel decorated with a romantic scene, ht. 1 3/4; a spectacles case containing two pairs, inscribed "OELSCHLAEGER BROS OPTICIANS./42 E. 23d ST. N.Y.CITY."; a painted metal mouse, lg. 4 1/2; and an enamel button, dia. 1 1/4 in. The property of Carol J. Ferranti
