Itinerarium Antonini Augusti Et Burdigalense. Cologne: Birkmann, 1600. First edition. With notes by Jerome Surita, and additional notes by Andreas Schott, S. J. 16mo, full vellum. Ex-libris O. MacCarthy; some old inked glossing; minor bookworm tracks; vellum darkened; crinkled; two-inch split at bottom of top cover. Includes a poem for cartographer, Abraham Ortelius by Hermann Mylius. This work describes the travels of Antoninus in and around the Roman provinces. Elucidated here by Surita's learned annotations. Ex libris O. MacCarthy; some old inked glossing , minor bookworm tracks, vellum darkened, crinkled, two-inch split at bottom of top cover.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers