Corinne. Bruxelles: Auguste Wahlen et Compagnie, n.d. 3 vols. 24mos, full vellum, leather labels. [Together with] Biblioteca de Autores Mexicanos. Mexico : Agueros, 1897. 6 vols. 16mos, full vellum. [Together with] Samlade Romaner. n.p.,n.d. 10 vols. 12mos, 1/4 vellum. [Together with] Samlade Runner. 9 vols (of 10) lacks volume 3. [Together with] The Princess of Babylon. Nonesuch Press, 1927. [Together with] 10 other volumes. Property from the collection of Ms. Nancy Jenkins Charlotte, North Carolina. Condition is overall very good, but should be seen.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers