Journal of an Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky Mountains � In the Years 1835, '36, And '37; � With A Map Of Oregon Territory. Ithaca: Published By The Author, 1838. First Edition. 12mo, publisher's cloth. Folding map, litho plate. Note: the rear endpaper has a sketch of a Flathead Indian by signed by Thomas Adams, with another signature next to what appears to be an Indian name. This is very likely the Thomas Adams who was an artist on Stephen Long's expedition, and who became a Special Agent for the Flathead tribe in Montana, and who took a Flathead wife and had a son. In early publisher's cloth, embossed, inside the patterns of which the original owner, Simeon DeWitt Brown, 1839, has cleverly and capably inked in his name; chipped paper label on spine, splitting joints, nearly disbound, with contemporary newspaper accounts re Oregon emigration pasted to endpapers. The map is delicate, with splits and breaks at folds. [Howes P98 - earliest map "showing accurately the Oregon interior"].

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers