[Chicago: Goes Litho Co. , ca. 1905]. A dozen gnomes in green pants and pointed red caps, some ringing bells, others with drums or horns, float above Carter and spirit away his suit coat, even though the magician is lashed to a chair. 20x 26 7/8". Numerous old folds and scuffs, borders over-colored; B. Rare. Carter posters printed by the Otis Lithograph Co. of Cleveland are relatively common, but also widely popular; one Otis poster produced for Carter was used as the basis for a best-selling novel. Several of the posters offered here, are, on the other hand, relatively scarce. Printed in Chicago by the Goes Lithograph Co., the images were produced early in Carter's career and few examples of each poster have survived. Goes also printed posters for Edwin Brush, Eugene Laurant, and a host of other entertainers. The firm later sold off a portion of its business to several employees who founded the Illinois Litho. Co. Illinois kept Carter's account active and printed many beautiful images for him, including magnificent billboards advertising his version of the Sawing in Half illusion.

Potter & Potter