1904-1932 comprising: two singles and two blocks of four 1904 Louisiana Purchase 1-cent stamps, two singles and two blocks of four 1904 Louisiana Purchase 2-cent stamps, four singles, two blocks of four and two imperforate blocks of four 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific 2-cent stamps, two singles and two blocks for four 1912 Panama-Pacific 1-cent stamps, two singles and two blocks of four 1912 Panama-Pacific 2-cent stamps, a single and a block of four 1915 Panama-Pacific 10 perf. 1, 2, 5 and 10-cent stamps, two singles and two blocks of four 1924 Huguenot-Walloon 1-cent stamps, two singles and two blocks of four 1924 Huguenot-Walloon 2-cent stamps, two singles and a block of four 1925 Lexington & Concord 1, 2 and 5-cent stamps, a 1926 International Philatelic Exhibition White Plains 25 stamp sheet, three singles and two blocks of four 1926 White Plains 2-cent stamps, a block of four 1926 Warren G. Harding imperforate 1 1/2-cent stamps, two singles and two blocks of four 1927 Vermont Sesquicentennial 2-cent stamps, two singles and two blocks of four 1927 Burgoyne Surrender 2-cent stamps, two singles and a block of four 1928 Valley Forge 2-cent stamps, two singles and a block of four Molly Pitcher Overprint 2-cent stamps, two singles and a block of four 1929 Edison Commemoraitve flat-plate 11 perf. 2-cent stamps, two singles and a block of four 1929 Edison Commemorative rotary-plate 11 x 10 1/2 perf. 2-cent stamps, a pair of 1926 Edison Commemorative rotary-plate vertical perforation Read more…

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers