comprising: a set of ten 1922 Canada regular issue stamps, a single and a block of four 1928 Canada air post 5-cent stamps, a single and a block of four 1930 Canada air post 5-cent stamps, a block of four 1932 Canada partial overprint air post 5/6-cent stamps, a single and a block of four 1932 Canada air post 6-cent stamps, a single and a block of four 1932 Canada Ottawa Conference Surcharge 6-cent stamps, a single and a cancelled cover 1927 Newfoundland De Pinedo air post 60-cent stamps, an imperforate block of four Newfoundland 1933 air post 5-cent stamps, two singles, an imperforate pair, a vertical perforated pair and a block of four Newfoundland 1931 air post 15-cent stamps, two singles and an imperforate pair of Newfoundland 1931 50-cent air post stamps, two Newfoundland 1931 $1 Transatlantic stamps, a single and a block of four 1932 Newfoundland Dornier DO-X surcharge $1. 50 air post stamps, two singles and a block of four 1933 Newfoundland Gen. Balbo Flight surcharge $4.50 air post stamps, Canada 1, 2 and 5-cent Postage Due stamps, and a Canada 20-cent Special Delivery stamp.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers