Three Mettlach Steins and a German Stein, Germany, early 20th century, each polychrome, cylindrical, with hinged lid and side handle, impressed factory marks to underside, including: one depicting the rooftops and inscribed "Munchen," 1/2 liter, impressed "2002" to underside, ht. 7 1/4; one depicting a man with a deck of cards, signed, "Heinr. Schlitt," one liter, impressed "2090," to underside, ht. 9 1/2; one with a barmaid holding steins and a target in background, outfitted with a music box and inscribed "Villeroy & Boch" to wood base, number 2235, ht. 9 1/2; and a tall tapered cylindrical stein with lid carved with cats and body decorated with elves, ht. 11 1/2 in.
