the first a black stone example of flattened shield form raised on an oval foot, with shoulders carved in relief to show mask ring handles, with matching stopper, the second of a dark brown color with various orange, red and yellow splashes, of circular form, with carved decoration on one side depicting two fish and aquatic plants, the third an example of spinach green stone of flattened disk form, with matching stopper, the fourth a light brown stone with wood grain striations and a band of gray in the center, of flattened ovoid form, decorated on one side with the depiction of a panda bear eating bamboo, with matching stopper, the fifth of flattened rectangular melon form, with a continuous design of leafy vines on both sides and a butterfly design on one narrow side, all in high relief, with coral stopper. Height of tallest 2 1/2 inches.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers